A downloadable mod

"Our fleet is ready. Now, it's time for the xenos to feel our fury."

A disaster has almost destroyed your civilization, and the colonial ship you commanded escaped through an emergency jump and became the only survivor. Now you need to rebuild civilization in a completely unfamiliar galaxy. However, most of the space and resources here have already been occupied by local civilizations, and some of them are not friendly. At the same time, it seems that the CRISIS has not been completely shaken off by you.

1. Resources

The current version has 5 types of resources: waste, ore, basic materials, consumer goods, and alloys.

Waste can be obtained in combat and cannot be used for trade. Its only value lies in the synthesis of basic materials in industrial panels (you can open industrial panels by canceling specific quest in the Quest Log). The ore is obtained through mining stations and can be used to directly synthesize basic materials or possess forged alloys. Basic materials are important resources for building construction, zone, and most equipment. Consumer goods are produced through commercial zone and used for trade. Alloy is the most advanced resource that can only be obtained by smelting ore, with a fixed time of 1 minute (regardless of the quantity you produce at once). At the beginning, you can only produce one alloy at a time, and this number can be increased by building casting zones. The production of ships and advanced equipment requires alloys.

2. Space Architecture

In Scourge, you need to obtain resources and build ships through specific buildings.

You can activate the construction panel by canceling specific quest in the Quest Log and consume resources to build the building.

Once the construction is completed, you can view their status and location in the Quest Log.

Different buildings have different building methods. The mining station needs to be built on the mine (randomly appearing during map exploration). When you build a mining station, it will appear in your warehouse and automatically deploy when you go to the galaxy where the mine is located.

The dock and fuel collection station are both built directly in your galaxy. The dock can only be built in the sector you occupy (colored yellow).

No building can be built on another building.

3. Diplomacy

When you first encounter another civilization, it will appear on your diplomatic list (again, the diplomatic panel opens by canceling specific quest.) You can trade with other civilizations (similar to Stellaris), dispatch envoys to improve relationships, or engage in battles. When other civilizations rate you above 30, their attitude is' friendly '; When the value is below -30, their attitude is' hostile '.

It should be noted that as the farthest distance you reach increases, other civilizations are also constantly developing, and their military strength will gradually become stronger. Therefore, unlike vanilla games, you should be cautious when and to what extent you explore outward.

  • War

War is an effective means of expansion. You can choose different war objectives: looting resources, occupying territory, and humiliating the other party. Usually, the enemy's default goal of war is to plunder territory. [Looting Resources] will obtain an indefinite amount of resources from the opponent, [Occupying Territory] will give you a sector that you temporarily control during the war, and [Humiliate] can reduce the opponent's military strength (you may need to do so when you explore too far out). It should be noted that except for [Occupy Territory], other targets will not occupy the sector you temporarily controlled during the war upon completion, but will be returned to the enemy.

In war, you can attack the enemy's sector and defeat their defenders (which is quite difficult). Similarly, the enemy will randomly dispatch a fleet to attack your sector. You have a certain warning time to repel the opponent, otherwise your galaxy will be temporarily controlled by the opponent.

'Warfare aversion' is an important indicator of war, achieving different goals requires the other party to achieve different levels of warfare aversion. If your own warfare aversion reaches 100, you will directly surrender. Even if you are not enough to force the other party to accept your goal, you can still choose to 'maintain the status quo' after the other party reaches 50 combat aversion, which will restore the territory to its pre war state. Defeating the opponent's attack and occupying the opponent's galaxy will increase their weariness, while in turn, failure will increase your weariness.

  • Trade

Trade is conducted on a daily basis, and you can set daily trade plans on the diplomatic panel. In trade, you can exchange resources with other civilizations. Different civilizations have different willingness to purchase and sell different resources, so earning a large amount of resources through trade is also a feasible development strategy. You cannot trade with hostile civilizations.

The trade demonstration can be found in https://www.bilibili.com/video/av464902999/

4.Sector management

When you occupy a sector, you can manage it. You can enter the section management interface by clicking "get a mission" in the yellow color sector.

Each sector can construct two zones, each with different functions. Casting zone can increase the upper limit of the alloys you can smelt in one go, while commercial zone can produce consumer goods for you on a daily basis (with high value in trade).

Demonstration can be found in https://www.bilibili.com/video/av255467965/

!About the mod!

Due to the production of 'Event Horizon: Reconstruction', my other project, Scourge mod, was terminated about a year ago. This mod has been developed for about 2 years (intermittent, of course) and includes various contents such as space architecture construction, sector management, diplomacy, trade, and factional warfare. Now I think it is worthwhile to make its database publicly available for modders to study and reference.

Warning: This mod is only a semi-finished product, and only 4 out of the 10 factions in the plan have been completed. The plot of the mod is still only stored in my mind, and the "research" system planned to cover the vanilla technology tree has been put on hold due to Quest's inability to modify technology points (which is also one of the reasons why the entire project was replaced by Reconstruction. I originally expected the author to include this feature in the update).

Unfortunately, I no longer have the energy to translate mod and database into English. If anyone has any questions about mod, please contact me.


Database.zip 11 MB

Development log


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I hope to be able to play the mod you released soon, please come on!

the mission and event still chinese?caused I dont understand chinese language😅,can it change to english

I regret that this is just an abandoned project. It can no longer be done. In fact, due to its incompleteness, it's not even suitable for players to try. If you're interested in it, you can look forward to my ongoing ehce project, which will contain the entire content of this mod, and not only that.

owh so not continued to asd more faction then?,ehce,community version?

Yes. Another project I'm working on  will include most of the things here.

Interesting one, indeed, though I do not speak Chinese and can not understand what screenshots tell. Consider adding event-horizon tag to your page so it is shown along with other mods when searched

Thanks for your support! I have added the tag.

I have uploaded a sample save for demonstrating game content, which is the third file

I think other mod like End of paradox redux wanted like this to build station as the mechanic example and already implemented but still early access